What the hell is going on out there? I read about the protests on BBC.com, something about the G20 summit.
Of course. The fucking anarchists. I should have known.
I shouldn't be getting into this right now. I haven't had my coffee yet.
There. Let's rage.
First of all, a word about the cause. These 20 politicians, they say, are responsible for the serious worldwide economic collapse. They are pissed off that these countries, the very same ones they (we?) hold responsible, are gathering in their city to fix the mess they've made. Or to say that they're thinking about ways to maybe someday, eventually, if the circumstances are right and they have enough money to do so, have another couple of meetings to talk about what they can maybe do to fix this shit. At some point.
http://www.organizepittsburgh.org/So the anarchists put out a call of action on their Pburgh anarchy website. (See above.) I read it, and for a second I was impressed. There were only a few obscure grammar and punctuation errors (mistakes anyone could make, really), and for the most part, it seemed that this was a group of people who felt passionately about their motives. Who were fed up and pissed off and were gonna do something about it, as opposed to just sitting around bitching and moaning like everyone else (I mean you, Fox news) is doing.
But wait! What's going on here? What happens after the collapse of the infrastructure?
I once knew an anarchist who knew, I felt, what he was talking about. What it was all about. Small-scale, local, DIY-type government, where the government is the people (the real, actual citizens) and vice-versa. Yeah. That all sounds great when you and six of your friends are squatting in a tent you set up in someone's backyard, cooking vegan meals over a fire and publishing hand-drawn pamphlets at Kinko's.
But let's think about that on a national level. They don't really believe that this would work. (Do they?) Jesus, we can't even keep our shit together as it is. How can a whole nation, especially this nation, be in charge of itself? Nothing would get accomplished. Ever. People would sit around and scream at each other like in those town hall meetings. We'd kill each other. Then what? What's the jail situation like? Court? Trial? And who's to say who goes to jail and for how long? Do we abandon the jury system? Will there be any sort of punishment at all? Or just some koombayah-shake-hands-and-say-you're-sorry-type shit?
What happens to the media? Actually, never mind. Fuck the media, good riddance. But what about schools? Churches? Traffic laws? Credit histories? Banks? Taxes? (Oh, think of the taxes!) Mail systems? Social security? World trade organizations? The military? The millions of government jobs, both evil and nonevil? Insurance companies? (Though, once again, good riddance.)
If you are reading this and you have answers to these questions, even abstract answers, please please get ahold of me. I would really, seriously, like to know. Because the kinds of changes they're proposing are outrageous. Actually, I'm not really sure what they're proposing. Some sort of communal interest at heart, need-based organization and making sure people's needs are met and. . . So what happens after we dismantle?
I should say, though, that I'm glad someone is actually doing something. I don't agree with their motives, and I really really hope they don't get their shit accomplished, but I gotta support the dissent, man. The dissent. The actual organization of people who are pissed off, who actually got off their asses and tried to do something about it, even if they did end up tear-gassed and jailed.
Hey, I hate the government, too. Everyone hates the government. It's the American way. I hope soon you all become as jaded and unenthused as I have become. It's an easier life. And plus, I've never been tear-gassed or beaten by cops in riot gear. It's a win-win.