Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New You!

My resolutions are:

1. Continue to expand my vocabulary. I will make flashcards of words I don't know and review them each night before bed for maximum absorption.

2. Lose 10 pounds/Establish a strict but practical pilates routine. I have found and will stick to a four-week detox plan through January. Week One: Fruits and veggies only. Hopefully I will poop out all the nasties and come out lean and clean. Also, I will take 30 minutes a day for yoga and stretches and meditative breathing.

I'm pretty sure Bridget Jones made these exact same resolutions.

And now! The moment you've all been waiting for!

Final Ohio Fast Food Count:

Bob Evans (twice)
Cracker Barrel (once, B was NOT impressed)
Wendy's (multiple times)
Arby's (twice, one was inside a truck stop open on Xmas day. A Christmas Blessing!)
Red Lobster (for bro's B-day. Delicious, highest concentration of black people B has ever seen in one place)
St. Louis airport BK

SADLY we did NOT make it to:

Waffle House
Steak N' Shake (like the only one B was actually interested in trying)

which are all good restaurants and deserve our patronage and attention. However, 10 days is just not enough to sample all the regional fare. Next time.

Hope all you dirtbags have a great 2011.