Saturday, August 28, 2010

Does Anyone Have An Ice Pack?

I am thinking about people that I love. I wish I could talk to them all at once, get them all in one room for one night and bask in the glow. Roll around in the glitter.

Bryan's chapbook got this really great review. Please read it. He is very talented.

Last night I learned that the proper medical term for snorting things is insufflation. But there are religious connotations to it, too, I guess.

I am coping. I am eating all the ice cream and getting out of bed.

Yes, I would like to see the desert menu, and no, I cannot spare any change. Leave me be, please. Just turn the game on and leave me alone.

Is anyone reading this? Or is it just like last time?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Making Sauce

No, I am not making sauce. I am pouring it over noodles, because that is the only thing I know how to do with sauce.

3:23 pm is an interesting lunch hour.

I am staying positive and feeling great. Right? Is that what I said I'd do? I'm doing it, I swear.

I let my boyfriend read that story that I wrote in college about the guy jerking off in the Wendy's bathroom because that's the only story I'm comfortable sharing with other people.

The noodles are probably soft enough now.