Thursday, September 24, 2009

Glee Club Always Was For Losers

Everyone's raving (just RAVING!) about some new Fox show called Glee, so of course, I have issues with it.

First. I hate the name. "Glee" is a very, very uncomfortable word. It's ugly, phonetically, but I also am uncomfortable with what it represents. I picture giggling little girls, or happy pigs rolling in mud. I know, I know, it's about a high school glee club, you say. You may feel the name is appropriate. Well I cannot say out loud, "Oh my God! It's Wednesday! Gotta get home and catch Glee!" No way.

I should note here that I can't help but feel like Fox is aware of the stupidness of the word, and is using it for some sort of irony, or perhaps kitsch. Yes, kitsch. That must be the word I'm looking for. But still.

This was the initial reason why the show bothered me. But when I saw that everyone on facebook was watching it, I figured it'd be one of those things that I made fun of for a long time, that I resisted, but then in the end would wind up proven wrong about. Like Harry Potter. (I still carry around a lot of shame for denying Harry in the beginning. If I could I would apologize to him.)

So I watched it last night. I streamed the first episode. And I was right. Dumb name, dumb show. Sure, I got some mild laughs (namely from that lesbian cheerleading coach), but overall I thought it was just another mediocre Fox sitcom. Most jokes felt contrived. Most characters made me want to spit in their fictional faces (like the teacher's wife. Ugh.) and as far as a high school goes, completely unbelievable, and even if I could believe it, why the fuck would I ever want to relive those four years of my life? That's just the thing about high school. Everyone thinks that shit is better, more important, more defining, more meaningful than it actually is. So I guess in that way, the show's got it going on.

Yeah, yeah, it's real inspiring and all, seeing these teens (or twentysomethings) reject the social boundaries of high school and follow their passions regardless. Yawn. Or I just loved the part when the teacher rejects his wife's dreams and pursues his own, even if he does only make 20,000 a year doing it. Bore.

But I will say that that little redhead teacher's got a killer sense of style.

Now, now. It's the pilot, you say. They're still working out their kinks. Too fucking bad. If you can't write a show that keeps my interest the first time, I'm out. I've got more important shit to do and watch. (Will someone PLEASE tell me how to find the first season of True Blood online?) I gave you a chance to impress me, and you blew it.

However, I see that the gays are behind this one hundred percent. This, if anything, may cause me to reconsider.

1 comment:


    it's how i watched season 1 of true blood. watch the megavideo ones.. they buffer faster. only catch is you can only watch 72 minutes at a time (per internet connection though so if you have multiple connections...) otherwise, then you have to wait 54 minutes before another 72. random, i know. it used to be unlimited. bastards.

    anyways, i miss you boo. lots n lots.
