A nightmare of a book, but impossible to put down. I can't imagine a more original mind that the one that can create a world like the world in this book. Of course, she's from Portland.
Katherine Dunn says Portlanders live at least three lives. She, for example, is a writer, a radio personality, and a boxing commentator.
Three lives! I love it! I'd be a writer, an editor, and a master seamstress.
The thing about Portland is that it makes one feel as if this is completely possible. It's a place bursting at its seams with art, music, film, nature, and people. People are very involved in things, and understandably so. How anyone could ever be bored here is beyond me. There is always something going on. There is too much to see and to do. Not enough time to fit it all in. You need three lives to be able to experience it all. No, you need nine, like a cat.
It's exciting! It's new and yeah, it's rainy but fuck it! Who cares? I'm from Ohio. (Oh, Ohio! Feels so far away now.) Everything is new and fresh. It's young and it's hip and there is potential to do great things, I can feel it. There is something to work with here.
My am inspired! I am bursting with creativity! I want to paint, to découpage things and make collages and write and read! To contribute to the creative flow of this community!
It is exactly what I was looking for. This is what was lacking in Ohio, and this is why I came here.
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