This week's cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios.
I have yet to make peace with his death. Omar was a goddamned shining star, and this little blippy about his favorite cereal is certainly not honoring his memory the way he deserves. But I thought in doing this we could all remember him together, share our stories and maybe laugh through our tears while we all clink our spoons together in a toast to all that was Omar.
I guess what I like most about Honey Nut Cheerios is their airy, fresh texture. The first bite is perfectly crunchy, with zero danger of cutting the roof of your mouth, even if your mouth is extra sensitive. While they do tend to get soggy in the milk if you do not eat them quick enough, they generally maintain their crispiness until the very end, like Omar.
Honey Nut Cheerios are just the right amount of sweet. They are a perfect first-thing-in-the-morning cereal because they are pleasant but not shocking. Sometimes when I wake up I don't want Cap'N Crunch right away, because the sugary coating tends to jar my system into a level of fructose I'm not ready for at early morning hours.
Honey Nut Cheerios are as sweet as I need them to be. They also mean business. They are not one to pussyfoot around a job that needs doin'. They are fun, but they know when it's time to be serious. We love to eat them, but sometimes we may be a little afraid to buy them because we have heard that they carry a sawed-off shotgun and go around looking for stash houses to rob. Or maybe we have heard nasty rumors about them, particularly ones comin' from Marlo's peoples that start with "cock" and end with "sucker."
I urge you to ignore these rumors. Underneath all the rough there is a sweet, sensitive cereal with lots of love to give.
So raise your spoons to Omar Little, a man who asked for nothing (except your drugs and your money), and took shit from no one (especially Stringer Bell cuz that fool tried to shoot the damn crown off Omar's grandma's head one Sunday before church). A man who knew how to love (just ask Brandon RIP), but yes, at times could be a bit difficult (Bunk will tell you). He was loyal (to the game and to Butchie again RIP), and he was right about most things (he made Levy look like a total douche during that courtroom scene back in Season 2).
I love you, Omar. You are quite possibly the best character to ever appear on television, and you are the reason I watch Boardwalk Empire (even though there is never enough Chalky White imo).
I propose a new slogan for Honey Nut Cheerios:
All in the game, yo. All in the game.
AW. HN Cheerios, comin'!