Thursday, October 8, 2009

And, the university library only stays open till 11? What kind of shit is that?

You'll all be pleased to know that I haven't lost my rage. I still hate pretty much everyone.

The surly waitress who took forever to bring my check.

The skank talking much too loud about her noodles at the table across from me.

The guy who didn't wipe the wand of the milk steamer after making my latté.

The dirty freaks with their fur protest signs.

The Asian couple making out in the middle of the sidewalk.

And most of all, that queer in the front row of my Intro to Pub class who thinks he knows every single fucking thing there is to know.


  1. it's good to hear that you still hate everyone.

  2. I'm relieved, too. I didn't want you to go out west and get all... hippie on us.
